Kathmandu GTUG - January 2012 Meetup

Posted By: Unknown On Sunday, January 29, 2012 Under:

Jan 28th 2012 Meetup

Time / Venue:

10am - 12pm (+/- 30 minutes)
at Semicolon Developers
Near Shankhamul Chowk

Participation: 12
active GTUG guys, guys from Tribhuvan University and Kathmandu University

Live meetup reporting was done at : http://bit.ly/ktmGTUGjan2012 (2nd page)

Agendas / discussions under following topics.

1) Introduction : Hello session, tea/coffee


2) Divon's Visit Experience / Opportunities we got for future events out of this visit.

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3) Guidelines on new GTUG Chapter Formation

Looking at the interest in community it is better we start with universities and tech-hot-spots throughout the country.  (Lalitpur / TU, Dhulikhel /KU, Chitwan, Pokhara, Biratnagar, Butwal)

-> Guys from TU & KU will take initiatives to formulate University GTUGs.


4) Discussions for Next Event.

Topics: Google Apps Training, Blogging in Nepali Workshops, Web Design, Android Development, HTML5 Game Development etc. (to be discussed in meeting)

-> Suggested topics for next event:

a) Android workshops :: NEXT EVENT
b) HTML5 presentations / HTML5 Canvas
c) Presentation on SEO / Blogging platform
d) Data Mining Workshops
e) Web Design Workshop :: Todo for Lalitpur GTUG
- HTML5/CSS3, UX / UI, Design Theory
f) Google Nepali Translation API demo
g) Collaborative Development

We would focus on organizing Android Development workshops in near future.

Other common Discussion Topics during the meet were : Web Design, Android Development, HTML5 Game Development etc.


Google Visits - Kathmandu University Jan 19, 2012

Posted By: Unknown On Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Under: , ,

Kathmandu University (KU) is the third oldest university in Nepal located in Dhulikhel, Kavrepalanchok District, about 35Km east of Kathmandu. KU was established in 1991 with the motto "Quality Education for Leadership". The university operates through its six schools and from premises in Dhulikhel, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur. Read More

Kathmandu University Website: http://www.ku.edu.np

2012-01-19 10.13.34

Divon Lan, Product Manager, Next Wave Emerging Countries, Google Inc
with Kathmandu GTUG, we visited KU School of Engineering, especially Department of Computer Science & Engineering faculty and students.


I personally have never visited KU before but liked the overall surrounding and educational environment there. After visiting KU, their computer science faculty and interacting with engineering students - I would recommend KU to anyone if living outside Kathmandu Valley for education is not a big concern.

KU environment captured in snaps



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Meeting the faculty

Meeting with KU faculty was good experience for Kathmandu GTUG as well. KU faculty are well versed with their educational requirements and have clear idea of how their research wings would contribute to the ICT development in the country. We had one hour meet with faculty but all those intellectual discussion, I could have listened to those discussions forever.


KU faculty have contributed to localizing Linux distribution. On Divon’s question about usefulness of this effort, Asso. Prof. Bal Krishna Bal pointed out that localized linux distrubution (NepaLinux) is not used widely in urban areas but is liked by people from rural villages.


I found one topic about localizing “Google Chrome OS” intriguing. Actually, in Nepalese context most people use computers for internet/communication purpose. Rather than focusing on localizing whole set of desktop environments and apps if we could work on localizing Chrome OS, which is particularly designed to be used as internet for everything – the discussion concluded – it would leave larger impact.


KU R&D has been involved in developing machine translation system for Nepali to English translation. They worked on “rule based” machine translation with 100K parallel words, output was satisfactory but not as expected. Work is going on for building Nepali OCR - recognition engine for Nepali language.

Faculty were positive to finally have a direct communication channel with Google. We are hopeful that this visit would open lots of possibilities for both KU and Google. On discussion about topics for research Divon emphasized to “work on one thing that is global.“


Giving focus to student’s tech inclination, KU department is positive to collaborate with Kathmandu GTUG for bringing android workshops in the university.

One important thing I noted during discussion was different views on current status of open source development and contribution in the country. People here in Nepal are aware of Open Source technologies, this is a good thing. But, when it comes to actually contributing to development of the projects and implementing algorithms for building software systems we find very less talent. Lack of expertise in open source contribution should be taken seriously. Everyone involved in Open Source sector in the country should work on transforming their open source knowledge to actual implementable development skills.


Google resources for Universities

http://google.com/edu – Course materials, resources for University.
http://youtube.com/edu – Videos lectures for varieties of interest.


Q/A Session with Google representative

Participants : ~40
Engineering Students from Kathmandu University


The students of engineering and computer science were very curious to know more about possibilities of working at Google. They were eager to know more about Google as a company and also Google as a helping hand for emerging countries like ours.


During the informal Q/A session at KU, Kathmandu GTUG have circulated quick feedback form to the students. We got 29 filled responses.

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Participants : Overview


Gender wise participation seems better than TU but still is less.


The “other” response were Yes and with some explanations.


KU students seemed more interested in Android and Google Data APIs development.


Do you have any question to Google ? Divon answers.

We tried to collect the response via Collaborative Google Docs available at http://bit.ly/divonqa KU students are helping us collect the answers. This section will be updates once we get the report from students.

Do you have any question to Google ? : Feedback Form

With just one hour interaction program hope students were able to get answers to their question. We hope other questions collected via feedback form will be answered in next official Google visits. From these questions one can get overall picture of the interaction program.


Is Google focusing on technological advancement only or taking social responsibility ? Elaborate Corporate social responsibility of Google.

Is there any job or internship opportunities of Google in Nepal ?

Does Google provides security of information, since it searches everything ?

Google+ is very complex for a normal user. Can't you make it simple if you want it to be more popular than facebook ?

What does Google mainly focus on besides searching ?

If have some ideas of technology that can be used in Nepal then with whom should I communicate ?

Do you think that the content should be filtered before being uploaded ? Does that violate the freedom of speech ?

What about IPv6 ?

Google future plans and policies to students. As to sharpen their knowledge and also wake them globally slow in competitions. How Google looks at the graduates from Nepal ?

How does Google search engine works ? Does it looks at the meaning of the sentence ?

How can Google help students (specially Nepalese) ?


What is the qualification of Network administrator of Google ? (main server or proxy or even cache server ) ?

Google is earning a lot and rules the internet. How is Google contributing to the society and the world ?

Can Google start an institution for providing internship for students in Nepal ?

The Open Education project of Google is very beneficial for the students. But it’s not as interactive. It'll be more interesting if its made more interactive.

Since, there is no any office of Google in Nepal, How can we be prepare or develop any platform or face any challenge or be aware of working with Google ?

Has the Google taken the necessary steps in keeping away the public information and censored sites ?

What are the further gadgets or application that Google is going to launch ? Is there something special for users ?

Recent Google searches show Lord Buddha was born in India but we all knows its Nepal. So how does Google handle / correct such mistakes ?


Can we Nepalese Developers collaborate on Open Source project to give quality products to the community?

We had another question in the feedback form. We wanted to hear how students were willing to contribute to the overall Open Source software/web development scenario of the country. Below are the responses we got. Hope this will help Kathmandu GTUG and other communities actively working in Nepal find a more focused approach on bringing future events on Universities here.


Yes. We can. Google should open a Google lab in Nepal to explore our visions and capabilities.

Yes, we Nepalese developers can collaborate on Open Source project. There are students and employees at various companies  who are working in projects like docnex.com etc. So I think we Nepalese can also definitely work in Open Source project.

For Nepalese Developers, it requires sufficient technical support as well as the knowledge. Open source project should be mostly prioritized in relation to daily usable products.

Of course yes.

Yes. By sharing our ideas and works with others.

Yes, we can work to provide qualitative software because I think we are working to better ourselves in terms of knowledge.

Yes, it can be done by organizing events frequently in collaboration with IT companies and mainly universities in Nepal.

Sure and its going on well by FOSS community of Nepal.

Of-course. Providing training, workshop to the interested person might not be from the field of computer but who are interested.

By providing projects to Nepalese developers & judging them by experts.

Of course, we can collaborate as we are working a lot in open source projects as projects of our courses.

Yes, We Nepalese Developers can also collaborate on open source project to give quality products to the community. Technology is same all around the world. Nepalese developers have the same idea about computer technology as the developers from other countries.

Yes, we can of course do it. We have to train the students from UNV level and provide them necessary resources. Moreover, working in group/community and sharing your achievement with others is also very important to produce quality product.

The Open Source development community of Nepal FOSS Nepal is regularly arranging conferences for the development of FOSS. Also, they are arranging conferences for other sectors. There are many open source developers working together for different projects.

Yes, we can develop and collaborate with the product of the various opensource project in Nepal.

Yes, there is no doubt that the Nepalese developers are not as good as the other countries. The only reason is that the opportunities that arises here are minimal and should allow the software development and increase the investments in such projects.

Yes as a Nepali developer we can collaborate on open source project as we are talented and share knowledge and skills for further development and quality products.

Surely, multiple minds can tackle and solve problems more easily than a single mind. We can maintain threads and discussion on the site of this group and Q/A could be easily communicated for proper help and development of open source project.

Any remarks or suggestions to Kathmandu GTUG?

Now this remarks/question comes to us – Kathmandu GTUG. Hope we would be able to follow up these questions and bring more events, workshops and such interactions to university students.


Internship Program : Is an immediate act for students like us. When are you going to open this.

-> Kathmandu GTUG is a group of individual like you who are students, some professionals and we are trying to include private companies in our circle too. We do not directly open internship programs or such, however, private companies who care about Google Technologies and GTUG in Kathmandu, and who happen to be searching for fresh university graduates with knowledge in Google Technologies to be their interns would sure post thread in our Google Group. So please join our Group and keep up with the updates.

How can I get updates of Kathmandu GTUG ?

-> One way is to join our Google Group. For after events reports you can subscribe to our blog.

Is the membership in Google Group (GTUG) Open to everyone ?
-> Yes this is an open group. Feel free to join and communicate.

Google should try to involve more and more information about everywhere possible, IT awareness is most important since people even know to use Google.

Is it possible to make a GTUG group in KU itself as well ?
-> Yes of course. It would be nice to have another GTUG chapter in Nepal. Not as a expansion of Kathmandu GTUG but as formulation of independent GTUG chapter we will have agenda for this in our next meetup. Hope to see you there.

Learned what is it. In future will remain in touch.
-> Thanks.

It needs to be more focused on reaching out the information about GTUG to the students. I guess its lacking and many more students are unaware about it.

It should be more involved in developing standard of the developers in Nepal.
None at the moment. But would like to check out the website and comment there.

Are there any projects related to Google product that are initiated by the Community ?
-> Not yet. Thanks for the gentle reminder, this is a really good suggestion to our community.

Kathmandu GTUG need to organize more workshop, training in different web technologies.

Please provide all essential details to all the university level of Nepal.
The initiation of the seminars and interaction programs are to be done more often.


What sort of activities does GTUG participates in ?
-> Refer : http://ktmgtug.org/blog

For more photos from the events
Google Visits - Kathmandu University Jan 19, 2012 (Kathmandu GTUG)

Photo Credits
Bhupal Sapkota, Bhuwan Pokharel - Kathmandu GTUG

Thanks all Kathmandu GTUG guys, KU faculty and students who actively supported us in the event.
Bhupal Sapkota
Community Manager
Kathmandu GTUG

Google Interacts with faculty and students at Tribhuvan University January 18, 2012

Posted By: Unknown On Monday, January 23, 2012 Under: , ,

Tribhuvan University (TU) is a public university located in Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. Established in 1959, TU is the oldest of the twelve universities in Nepal. A huge number of students, approximately 290,833 from all over Nepal and abroad, makes it the biggest university in Nepal and 19th biggest in the world. Read More

Tribhuvan University Website :

Meeting The Faculty


(Divon Lan, Product Manager, Next Wave Emerging Countries with TU faculty)

We met TU Engineering and Computer science (IOST) faculty.

1. Overall engineering activity at TU Info:

TU engineering Website: http://www.ioe.edu.np/ 

2. Institute of Science and Technology (IOST):

TU Engineering and Institute of Science and Technology (IOST) faculties are very positive about Google’s visit to Nepal. We talked about possibilities of Internships at Google, Google - University relationships.


Resources for University – Google In Education

http://google.com/edu – Course materials, resources for University.
University all over the world use these resource as reference materials in classes.

http://youtube.com/edu – Videos lectures for varieties of interest.
For Universities with particular research interest, youtube edu video platform can be a place for global audience. Professors working on unique/focused content can contribute. Whereas, faculties can use those video lectures for teaching.


Interaction program with engineering / computer science students from Tribhuvan University IOE

Participants : ~80
Engineering Students from IOE Pulchowk Campus, TU Affiliated Engineering Colleges

The students of engineering and computer science were very curious to know more about possibilities of working at Google. They were eager to know more about Google as a company and also Google as a helping hand for emerging countries like ours. We discussed about possibilities of opening Google Office in Nepal. Student’s of 3rd & 4th year seemed to be more interested in Android development too.

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Google is actively collaborating with universities and students around the world. Applying for jobs & internships at Google is open globally. More info on Google’s students programs can be viewed at : Google Students

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During the informal Q/A session at TU, along with students asking questions to Divon and he replying those queries as official Google response we from Kathmandu GTUG have circulated quick feedback form to the students. We got 50 filled responses.

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(Bhupal Sapkota, talking about Kathmandu GTUG before event)



This chart reflects the current involvement of women in engineering and computer science education in the country. We will need a whole another research on why female participation in Information and Communication Technology education/profession in Nepal is low but one thing is sure we are missing the other half talent in our technical advancement.open-source-at-tribhuvan-university

University students are more aware of Open Source technologies in Nepal. Free and Open Source Community (FOSS) – Nepal has been contributing actively to create awareness amongst students about open source technologies since more than last five-six years.

On our question “What are Google Technologies that interest you ?”, most responded their familiarity with Google DATA APIs, Android, Adsense & Google Apps.


Do you have any question to Google ? Divon answers.

One of the main focus of the interaction program was answering as many questions as possible the participants have about Google.


We tried to collect questions and answers as well in the form of informal report.
Thanks to Aayush Shrestha, Pulchowk Campus, IOE, TU for helping us report this session. You can find him in Google+ here.

Aayush reported:

QnA Session with Divon Lan, Product Manager Emerging Markets, Google. Conducted by GTUG-Kathmandu at Institute Of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuwan University on 19th Jan, 2012.

1. Can you tell us the outline of your first visit to Nepal?

This is my first visit to Nepal (well, first official visit) and I am planning to meet people from Universities; the officials as well as the students, and interact with them like I’m doing now. Besides that, I am looking forward to meet people from software companies that are well known in Nepalese market and talk to them about the Nepalese market and the potential it holds. Also I’m planning to meet some government officials and organizations working in the field of IT.

So basically, there are two areas that I’m planning to cover in this visit.
  i. IT

The first area regards the Nepalese market and the current status of Nepal in the field of IT. And in the second area, I will be interacting with young students and developers in Kathmandu.

2. Who is handler the events of Google in Nepal?

I am currently working on emerging South-Asian markets, which includes countries like India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines and so on. There are individual groups in all these countries, including Nepal, that organize individual programs in their respective areas. We have GTUG-Kathmandu in here. There are other users’ groups in other countries that play the same role. 

3. How can we participate in development projects of Google?

There are two ways you can do that. First is: you get good grades, get a good resume, get higher education from well-known universities and then you can apply for a job at Google as a developer.

The second way is to participate in our events and our programs, know more people and make yourself known to people. And eventually, you become someone and whenever we need, you will be the first person we go to.

So, these are the two ways you can be at Google.

4.Where can I find support for my projects involving Google technologies?

Right now, Google itself does not have any support group or support department that will help you with your development projects. And one of the reasons for that is, the Google developers are pretty buys all the time. So they don’t really have enough time to go through your questions and your mails and answer all of them. So, No… Google, for now does not have anything like that.

5. Are Google+ and Google Chat now integrated?

Yes, Google chat has been integrated to Google+ now. That means, the chat in Google+ and Google Chat are not different but the same.

6. Is there any way to directly contact with developers at Google and ask them for support?

Umm.. No! Google does not have any kind of support department. And the developers are very busy to go through your emails and questions and reply them all. You can join independent forums and development groups on the internet if you need any support. But there is currently no way to directly contact Google developers.

7. Is there a possibility for Google to organize workshops and/or seminars and bring in developers from Google in those events?

Yes, why not? We have a wonderful team of GTUG-Kathmandu. You can ask them to organize these workshops and barcamps. But I think developers of Nepal are capable enough to provide you with these helps. You can ask the GTUG members to provide these platforms for you. I can’t guarantee you for now that developers from Google will join you in these programs, but there is a possibility. But I cant be sure.

8.How does Google earn money?

You see, Google is a big product and people from all over use it. So, we put in their advertisements and information on our products for which they are willing to pay us a lot of amount. For every time someone clicks on that link, we charge money from them.
And there’s something called AdSense. If you own a site or a blog, we let you put these advertisements on your site. But these time, we give a big amount of money from these companies to you and keep a little to ourselves. Of course, we do not just let anyone put these ads, we first make sure that your blog and your articles are to a certain standard of quality, we make sure that your components are genuine.

9.  What does it take to be an entrepreneur in our field?

Some of us want to be programmers and code all the time. But there are also some of us who believe in doing something new while you’re at it. So, if you’re planning to start your own business or a software company, all you need is a little courage and dedication. Of course, you need to know your work first. You can’t do anything if you don’t know what is it that you’re supposed to do. So, it is really important that you are good at something. Then all you need to do is find people and friends that share the same interest as you do and start your company.


Do you have any question to Google ? : Feedback Form

With just one hour interaction program hope students were able to get answers to their question. We have more questions collected via feedback form which we hope will be answered in next official Google visits.

1) Google Nepali transliteration lacks few symbols, why ?? How Google is looking forward in involving developers from countries like Nepal ?

2) How can I a computer engineer from Kathmandu get to work for a company like Google ? Any specific criteria ?

3) Why Google is very strict to its members & other people?

4) I have heard that US government is trying to pass bill against the Open Source software movement. They are also trying to put ban on social networking sites and blogs. Is it a threat to the Google ? How Google will be affected by it ?

5) What are the sources of Google's earnings? Only Adds? How much Google earns in one year? Is it possible to be an staff of Google ? How?

6) Is there a anyway to do intern in Google? If yes, then please inform us. Our project group is interested to do.

7) Can we get n internship or training program in Google ?

8) What factors do Google look upon while giving rank to a webpage? How can I increase my PR value of my site?

9) Where are Google servers located ?

10) Where to visit to get information about ongoing Google developments & projects? What are the ongoing projects particularly focused on Nepalese diaspora?

11) Why there is no support for devanagari fonts on android & even Nepali language translation?

12) How can we make a handsome amount of money from ad sense?

13) Why is G+ not so friendly as Facebook? Hope you guys can improve G+, being a user of regular Google service,it would be nice to see G+ competing with Facebook.

14) How does Google search differs from Yahoo, Bing and so on? When ranking a website, what are the factors that Google look upon (like: backlinking, speed of site, tags)?

15) Why don't we have updated maps of Nepal in Google maps? Is it that Nepal is developing country or Google wants Nepalese representative to do that.

16) What new Google Technology are you planning to launch?

17) How to participate to Google Labs?

18) How can we become a part of Google?

19) I am interested to do internship in Google ,if Google helps me?

20) How can Google be influential to a country where some of its parts don't have proper road system, let alone Internet facilities?

21) Why is G+ not so attractive? Is there any development in G-weather ?

22) Microsoft also came to our college and they focus on their product and today Google are here . You are also focusing on Google Product. We student are in confuse whom to  choose, How to decide?

23) Is kathmandu GTUG the only and just established attempt of Google to launch itself in Nepal? Because I came to know about this group just today.

-> For this question I would say as the community manager at Kathmandu GTUG, it is not an official Google wing or such at our country. We are a independent group of Google products and Google Developer Technology enthusiast who enjoy meeting up once in a while and carry out discussions focused on Google technologies, sometimes overall tech sector in the country. If you like Kathmandu GTUG’s past/present activities you are always welcomed to join us at our Google Group at

24) What do you think the recent need in the software market that we can perform in our college level project?

25) What i came to realize from this discussion is that Google gets a lots of suggestions & complaints from users. So, how exactly does Google manage all these queries and answers them? Are there dedicated personnel or is it AI?


Can we Nepalese Developers collaborate on Open Source project to give quality products to the community?

We had another question in the feedback form. We wanted to hear how students were willing to contribute to the overall Open Source software/web development scenario of the country. Below are the responses we got. Hope this will help Kathmandu GTUG and other communities actively working in Nepal find a more focused approach on bringing future events on Universities here.

I think yes. But we need to improve our standards. It would be great if any foreign companies and communities provide us seminars or formal courses of few months so that we can take initiatives.

It is great idea ! For that I think team must be formed among us and share ideas that one has.

Yes. We should work together.

Of course we can contribute to open source projects to make if more reliable. As Nepali software engineers also works in FOSS or other open source project which is more effective. They also did convert some OS in Nepali format (i.e language) which make that OS useful to those Nepalese who have problem with English or other languages.

Yes, Nepalese developers can collaborate on Open Source projects. The Nepalese youth today are tending to move to the open source and its growth rate is tremendous.

Yes, I think and I am much confident that we Nepalese developers can collaborate on open source to give quality product to the community. We can analyze our community well and help to develop the ideas which are important for the users.

Yes, we the aspirants have a lot of ides but lack platform. If you could possibly devise such platforms or opportunities ?

Of course Nepalese developers can collaborate  but what is lagging in here , I feel is the community where to share & collaborate.

Yes. It can be done by bringing programmers together. We need some workshop frequently and many programmers should be provided with and taught to use open source. Then they themselves will of course support open source.

I guess there are lots of open source software that need to be translated to Nepali, for instance. I am sure there is a lot that can be done for localization . Open Source is the need for software and applications that suit local needs.

Yes Nepalese developer surely can collaborate and contribute to open source project. All we need is a nice exposure to the real world. Some trainings and support to the developers will be appreciable.

Yes, because programming language is same for all.It can be done by organizing events to motivate Nepalese students to take part in open source projects.

Why not? let's gather , share our ideas, divide groups and work for that.

Yes, it is very much necessary to collaborate the developers. It can be done by conduction various programs in colleges, conduction seminars etc, and have group discussions.

Nepalese Developers are enthusiastic about the open source philosophy and the movement as well. So I think the open source world can benefit from Nepalese Developers. But there is a challenge of lack of awareness about the pathways and platforms.

Nowadays, Nepalese developers collaborate on open source project as FOSS community. We are also involved in FOSS community for bets.

Definitely, This can be achieved by providing training and organizing workshops in regular intervals, about open source projects. Encouraging students to take part in such activities.

Absolutely, Nepalese Developers are as skilled as the developers from other part of the world. They surely can collaborate on open source project to give quality product to the community, for this the developers should be given platform or access to work on these open source projects.

Quality products can be obtained if the developers are trained. So, if the developers like we Nepalese students could be trained with the Google experts,the project would go well.

Yes, I got no idea but I guess you can help in the development of e-governance

Yes, I think expanding the KtmGTUG by organizing more and more programs and establishing a Google office in Nepal can provide more good opportunities for Nepalese Developers to work with Google in open source project. I think that would even help IT to develop in Nepal even more by attracting lot of technical manpower in their home country.

Yes, we can involve in local community, share ideas, develop new projects and help or collaborate an open source projects.

Yes, with regular interactions and workshop seminar with groups like Google

Certainly, we might be able to collaborate but given the circumstances that we lack the technological education and knowledge regarding the rapidly developing technologies, it is a bit problematic. I'd love to see seminars & workshops regarding new technology. It'd be a lot helpful for us.

Yes we can,
1. Providing good, latest technological education.
2. Organizing seminars, competitions to bring all the developers together.

Of course, it is possible to develop the open source project bcoz human knowledge is for world. It can be done by providing required software , tools , knowledge to the programmer.

Of course we can . There are a few but good developers still working from Nepal . A little more opportunities for the people here would be really appreciable.

Any remarks or suggestions to Kathmandu GTUG?

Now this question comes to us – Kathmandu GTUG. Hope we would be able to follow up these questions and bring more events, workshops and such interactions to university students.

1) It would be great for us if Google provides courses of month or two about Google products. We need platforms for taking initiatives.

2) Workshops must be held often.

3) Can the Kathmandu GTUG answer our queries on technical projects related to Android ?

-> Yes, we are trying to collaborate with Android experts in Nepal. Please join Kathmandu GTUG Google group and throw your questions there.

4) I am very happy with program that launch today at my college and I expect such type of product in future also.

5) I have first heard about the organization. So I would like to attend further workshop from this organization.

-> Short answer to this would be to suggest to join Kathmandu GTUG Google group. We communicate all of our program, events and meetup via our Google group.

6) The visit to the colleges should be more frequent.
GTUG users must be extended and there should be communication between them.

7) How does KTM GTUG helps us, aspiring engineers, developers to achieve what we have set out for ?

8) What should we do to be a part of Kathmandu GTUG community?
Suggestion: It would be better if you conduct this kinds of programs frequently and the network of KtmGTUG  in colleges should also increase.

-> You are Kathmandu GTUG member when you join the Kathmandu GTUG Google Group, no formal process exists yet. However, it depends completely on you whether to play active role in the community or not.

Thanks for the suggestion. We do not volunteer to increase numbers of members at our community. But we are more focused on collaborating with active members for future programs and events. About the expansion, yes this will be the agenda for our next meet. However, we will not be expanding Kathmandu GTUG rather we will encourage establishment of independent and more focused new GTUG chapters throughout the country.

9) I think Kathmandu GTUG should make them known to all the IT students, organizing seminars like this so that IT students can find the options in future.

10) How can we join?

-> Join us at :

11) More Academic level programs!!

12) It is very good to have GTUG Kathmandu . It should conduct various programs for programmers like us regularly.

13) We'd like to organize workshop program in our college soon.What should we do for this?

14) Make GTUG more accessible to students like us.

15) Since, I've heard about Kathmandu GTUG for the 1st time, I don't think I can give some suggestions looking what they are doing or what they did. I just want them to organize different conference or seminars for IT enthusiasts helping them for their future. 

16) Do you conduct any training camps on Apps development?

17) Yes, I would love to see Kathmandu GTUG organizing various other programs.

18) I think this group should organize training programs for Nepalese to work for Google to develop Google in Nepal and should expand the members.

19) What about organizing the interactive workshop  in our college and discuss the recent development and the recent need in the development?

20) It would be good to assign interesting project to students.

21) It seems that Kathmandu GTUG have been involved in many activities but we were unaware of all these activities. So, I'd prefer if the flow of information between them and us.

-> Most of the before event activities are communicated via our Google Group.
http://ktmgtug.org/group and most after event reports and blog post reside at http://ktmgtug.org/blog . You can join our Google Group and actively participate in future events. Also, there is an option to subscribe to our blog updates via email in our collaborative blog.

22) Is it possible to promote the Nepali products such as videos in Youtube, Nepali pages & all things related to Nepal?

-> Yes of course, the availability of active or passive local contents in internet is what has put hold in the growth of internet here in Nepal. The English speaking population has already got its share.

For more photos from the events

Google Interacts with faculty and students at Tribhuvan University January 18, 2012 (Kathmandu GTUG)

Photo Credits
Bhupal Sapkota, Bhuwan Pokharel - Kathmandu GTUG

Thanks all Kathmandu GTUG guys who actively supported us in the event.
Bhupal Sapkota
Community Manager
Kathmandu GTUG

November / December : Blogging Workshops 2011

Posted By: Unknown On Thursday, January 5, 2012 Under:

Event Report of Blogging workshops @ different Bsc.CSIT / Engineering colleges inside Kathmandu Valley.

GTUG guys shared their ideas on blogging, blogging tools, available blogging platforms, Blogger/Wordpress, Importance of SEO, Earning while blogging with Google AdSense etc.

Below is workshop summary and photographs we collected from different CSIT / Engineering colleges we reached during November/December blogging workshops.

Blogging Workshop @ New Summit College

Date: 7 Dec 2011
College New Summit College
Participants: 50 Students
Speech by:Prakash Neupane(CSITAN) K.P. Dhungana (Blogan)
Presentation give by: Suresh Ghimire and Sunoj Shrestha(GTUG)
Vice Principle: Surendra Paneru
Closed by:Navaraj Rimal

new summit college (1)

new summit college (2)

 new summit college (3)

More Photos: Blogging Workshop @ New Summit College

Blogging Workshop @ St. Xavier College

Date: 11 Dec 2011
College: St. Xavier College
Participants:50 Students
Speech by: Prakash Neupane(CSITAN), K.P. Dhungana (Blogan)
Speech by: Sunoj Shrestha(GTUG)
Presentation given by: Saugat Adhikari(GTUG)
Closed by:Navaraj Rimal

st. xavier college (1)

st. xavier college (2)

More Photos: Blogging Workshop @St. Xavier College

Blogging @ Kathford International College of Engineering and Management

Date: 12 Dec 2011
College: Kathford College
Participants: 70 Students
Speech by: Prakash Neupane(CSITAN) Sunoj Shrestha(GTUG)
Presentation given by: Saugat Adhikari(GTUG)
Closed by: Navaraj Rimal

kathford college kathmandu (1) kathford college kathmandu (2) kathford college kathmandu (3) kathford college kathmandu (4) kathford college kathmandu (5)

More Photos: Blogging @ Kathford International College of Engineering and Management

Blogging Workshop @ Patan Multiple Campus

Date: 15 Dec 2011
College: Patan  Multiple College
Participants:80 Students
Speech by:Prakash Neupane(CSITAN) and Ujwal Acharya (Blogan)
Speech by: Sunoj Shrestha(GTUG)
Presentation given by: Saugat Adhikari(GTUG)
Closed by:Navaraj Rimal

patan multiple campus (1)

patan multiple campus (2)

 patan multiple campus (3)

More photos: Bloging @ Patan Multiple Campus

Blogging Workshop @ ASCOL (Amrit Science Campus)

Date: 18 Dec 2011
College: Amrit Campus
Participants:100 Students
Speech by: Prakash Neupane(CSITAN) Sunoj Shrestha(GTUG)
Presentation given by: Saugat Adhikari(GTUG)
Closed by:Navaraj Rimal

ascol kathmandu (1) ascol kathmandu (2) ascol kathmandu (3) ascol kathmandu (4)

More Photos: Blogging Workshop @ ASCOL

Blogging Workshop @ Himalaya College of Engineering

Date: 24 Dec 2011
College: Himalaya College of Engineering
Participants:60 Students

himalaya college of engineering (1) himalaya college of engineering (2) himalaya college of engineering (3) himalaya college of engineering (4) himalaya college of engineering (5) himalaya college of engineering (6) himalaya college of engineering (7) himalaya college of engineering (8) himalaya college of engineering (9)

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